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Gen·der - a poem

(n) 1. something navigated with an internal compass you'll never be able to describe...

love speaks - a poem

see it in their face...

Caught In Time - a poem

Inspired by this photo of a wave. ... a place / a breath / out of time...

(she’s so pretty / it hurts) - a poem

…she has a string between her lips / a hook in my heart / she tugs and it's the kind of pain that hurts so good...

(to have loved) - a poem

there's beauty in the way / we love people and we lose people / and how we sometimes get them back again…

Heartstrings - a poem

because our heartstrings have been tied together / since...

*Spanish for, you know, stuff.


I've tagged blog posts and poetry about queer issues as "queer." This includes love poems because all love poems written by me, a queer poet, are queer.

Photos (left to right): "shh" (paper collage and pen, 5"x3"), an English Bananagrams board, "Portal Under the Bridge" (paper collage, 9"x12"), a Spanish Bananagrams game in progress, my ukulele wrapped in fairy lights.

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